Monday 22 March 2010

I disappeared.

But look! I'm back!

Rejoice. Or not. Up to you really.

To be honest, the only reason I disappeared was because I could fool myself into thinking I was doing something useful if I wasn't rambling on here, but y'know what? I didn't get anything useful done, really. I have coursework due in at the end of this week, and another at the end of next week, neither of which I've started, and both of which make me irrationally violent and moody.

Or maybe that's just the time of month. Dunno. Is it full moon yet?

I kid, I kid.


Tuesday 9 March 2010

Y'know when you're so bored, that even tackling that HUGE and quite frankly terrifying pile of work seems appealing?

I feel like that. I want to write, but I have no ideas. It's driving me insane. I think. Possibly. Enough that during the fire drill this morning I was tempted to take my laptop out with me and keep writing during the register check. I didn't, but I nearly did. Unfortunately, I didn't have time to put it back in my bag and was forced to abandon it in the canteen.

No one stole it, thankfully. And kinda obviously. Since I wouldn't be here rambling at you about it if I didn't still have it, because I wouldn't have the laptop... I've stopped making sense, haven't I?

[Insert cheesey elevator music. Brain under reconstruction]

Actually, that's a lie. I'm just trying to think of something interesting to say. I'm failing in case you hadn't noticed. Heh. *bangs head on the wall*


My film teacher had to leave our lesson half way through to go to a funeral for someone that used to go to my school? That's not really interesting, is it? It's just kinda depressing.

I wonder if he would come to my funeral if I died after leaving 6th form...?

Talking of film, I got my coursework screenplay back today. 53 out of 60 !!!!! I'm more proud of myself than I should be. I basically rewrote something I'd already written, because I'm lazy like that. But y'know.

I'm having a mind blank. My brain has gone numb, I'm so bored. Hmm. TETRIS!

Toodles =]

Monday 1 March 2010


I will confess, I like sitting in costa on my own to sit with my laptop and a coffee to write a chapter or two.

Except I don't usually have the coffee on an empty stomach.

Today, I did.

It was a bad idea. Really.

I've been at home for about half an hour and I've already scared the dog, scared my mum and scared about half of my MSN contacts. HAHAHAH

Maybe I'll come back when I've calmed down ^_^