Tuesday 9 March 2010

Y'know when you're so bored, that even tackling that HUGE and quite frankly terrifying pile of work seems appealing?

I feel like that. I want to write, but I have no ideas. It's driving me insane. I think. Possibly. Enough that during the fire drill this morning I was tempted to take my laptop out with me and keep writing during the register check. I didn't, but I nearly did. Unfortunately, I didn't have time to put it back in my bag and was forced to abandon it in the canteen.

No one stole it, thankfully. And kinda obviously. Since I wouldn't be here rambling at you about it if I didn't still have it, because I wouldn't have the laptop... I've stopped making sense, haven't I?

[Insert cheesey elevator music. Brain under reconstruction]

Actually, that's a lie. I'm just trying to think of something interesting to say. I'm failing in case you hadn't noticed. Heh. *bangs head on the wall*


My film teacher had to leave our lesson half way through to go to a funeral for someone that used to go to my school? That's not really interesting, is it? It's just kinda depressing.

I wonder if he would come to my funeral if I died after leaving 6th form...?

Talking of film, I got my coursework screenplay back today. 53 out of 60 !!!!! I'm more proud of myself than I should be. I basically rewrote something I'd already written, because I'm lazy like that. But y'know.

I'm having a mind blank. My brain has gone numb, I'm so bored. Hmm. TETRIS!

Toodles =]

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