Sunday 27 June 2010


because I am easily bored by things, and just as easily entertained by new things that have little stats things... I have a new blog :D On wordpress. Because it's just that sexy.

This is it. I hope to update this one much more regularly/with better stuff. :)

Thursday 22 April 2010


Now don't freak out or anything.

Because I'm lazy, and I can't actually be bothered to explain the term, I have a nice shiny link for you.

That's me, I guess. I'm still confused.
Fuck it. I don't actually know what to say right now. I'm in a shitty mood. I won't bore you with it.

Monday 22 March 2010

I disappeared.

But look! I'm back!

Rejoice. Or not. Up to you really.

To be honest, the only reason I disappeared was because I could fool myself into thinking I was doing something useful if I wasn't rambling on here, but y'know what? I didn't get anything useful done, really. I have coursework due in at the end of this week, and another at the end of next week, neither of which I've started, and both of which make me irrationally violent and moody.

Or maybe that's just the time of month. Dunno. Is it full moon yet?

I kid, I kid.


Tuesday 9 March 2010

Y'know when you're so bored, that even tackling that HUGE and quite frankly terrifying pile of work seems appealing?

I feel like that. I want to write, but I have no ideas. It's driving me insane. I think. Possibly. Enough that during the fire drill this morning I was tempted to take my laptop out with me and keep writing during the register check. I didn't, but I nearly did. Unfortunately, I didn't have time to put it back in my bag and was forced to abandon it in the canteen.

No one stole it, thankfully. And kinda obviously. Since I wouldn't be here rambling at you about it if I didn't still have it, because I wouldn't have the laptop... I've stopped making sense, haven't I?

[Insert cheesey elevator music. Brain under reconstruction]

Actually, that's a lie. I'm just trying to think of something interesting to say. I'm failing in case you hadn't noticed. Heh. *bangs head on the wall*


My film teacher had to leave our lesson half way through to go to a funeral for someone that used to go to my school? That's not really interesting, is it? It's just kinda depressing.

I wonder if he would come to my funeral if I died after leaving 6th form...?

Talking of film, I got my coursework screenplay back today. 53 out of 60 !!!!! I'm more proud of myself than I should be. I basically rewrote something I'd already written, because I'm lazy like that. But y'know.

I'm having a mind blank. My brain has gone numb, I'm so bored. Hmm. TETRIS!

Toodles =]

Monday 1 March 2010


I will confess, I like sitting in costa on my own to sit with my laptop and a coffee to write a chapter or two.

Except I don't usually have the coffee on an empty stomach.

Today, I did.

It was a bad idea. Really.

I've been at home for about half an hour and I've already scared the dog, scared my mum and scared about half of my MSN contacts. HAHAHAH

Maybe I'll come back when I've calmed down ^_^

Thursday 25 February 2010

So here I am

Sitting in the dark, listening to the delightful neighours screaming at each other through my wall, being kinda tired, but not sleepy enough to sleep yet and wondering how I'm going to spend my three frees tomorrow.

Because doing coursework due in before the half term break is way too sensible.

My legs are itching. I should probably do something about that. But that would mean putting the laptop aside and y'know... Moving. Scary stuff.

The neighbours have woken my mother up. I'm now hiding under the duvet with my laptop, y'know when you were a kid and you read under the duvet reading with a torch? Try that with a laptop. It's boiling under here.

I have a song stuck in my head. By possibly the worst band in the world. If you can count two people with a synthesizer and auto tune a band? If there was something to slam my head into in an attempt to get this song out of my head, I might. Then again, there are headphones right near me. And itunes is still open (it's only crashed about three times today, rather than the usual five hundred trillion) but I digress!

Not that I really had a point to digress from.

Five minutes later

I got my headphones. I ended up listening to the crap music again. Why do I do this to myself?

I must be a masochist at heart. This worries me.

We had a "focus day" yesterday. Out of 180 people, 26 of us turned up. We should be rewarded. Anyways, there was this self defence session. We had to do that trust thing, where you fall backwards and your partner catches you.

I was paired with the stoner guy.

Aside from being amazed he was even there, I was terrified. I hate this exercise anyways, without trusting someone who looks stoned out of his nut to catch me. He caught me. But catching him was fun. He's heavy.

And then we were told to find out each other's personal space, or something like that. Will was in my group. This was amusing.

He's about a foot taller than me (not literally, that's Mr H) but because we know each other, we were pretty much standing so we were touching and neither of us were bothered. This confused the instructor guy. Which made us laugh.

Then we had a drugs talk. With the stoner guy in our group. Will, Chris (stoner guy) and me were laughing all through the drugs talk, because he got all the answers to the quiz thing right. We were saying that it wasn't in school that he learnt that.

I'm running out of things to ramble about. And as I said before, I hate rambling. I don't mind listening to it, but knowing I'm doing the rambling irks me. Because I know it's boring. Unless it's all total fiction, such as my protagging. ;)

Friday 19 February 2010

Hello world.


Yes, that really is the first thing I have to say in my very first blog.

Deal with it.

So, I've spent almost my entire half term break sitting either here, on my bed, shivering because I'm too lazy to get under my duvet - I mean, it would involve moving [!] - or at my desk. On my laptop. Well, apart from the total of seven hours I spent on my other computer before deciding it was too moisy and it was giving me a headache.

It wasn't the cause of my headache. I was too lazy to go and get a glass of water. I know. Stupid, right? Unfortunately for me, I have contracted chronic Protag syndrome.

Complete addiction.

Maybe there should be a group like "Protag Anon" or something. I need it.

I've started a rewrite of an old story of mine, posted about 34 chapters (or something like that) on a side story for two characters that were just too interesting to abandon to a collab that was restricting them and the good ol' Protag Bus, where Alex has inexplicably fallen for someone a decade younger than him. I know. It surprised me, too.

Of course, if you're just a stranger passing through, you will have no idea what the hell I'm talking about. And if you're even remotely interested, here's a link to my wonderful profile>>

That's me. You can see the obsession I have with writing just by looking at the stats in the side. 6 stories and 469 pages posted since July 26th... And that's after deleting a few. Well, 25.

I'm rambling. I hate rambling.

Someone slap me.